Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saltwater Fishing

Hello All

I am busy creating a better website. I am still only part way through but I hope to create something better than what I currently have. Anyways, being from Prince George I was always far from the ocean but that didn't stop my family making an annual trip to the coast. Up until this year we had always been going out to Prince Rupert. This summer our trip ended up being Kitimat. Now that I am living in Seattle I have also had the opportunity to go and fish Puget Sound a few times.

We have always had the most success fishing out of Prince Rupert where we often come home with coolers full of salmon, ling cod, halibut, rockfish and crab. Kitimat was not quite as productive but was an amazing trip where we experienced multiple natural hot springs. Each night after a long day of fishing we would tie off to a buoy and paddle ashore for a hot tub before bed. Sometime we would even do another before we left in the morning. Puget Sound was the most heavily fished area that I have been to with hundreds if not thousands of boats out. It was amazing to see so many people out on the water enjoying the beautiful day and the sport of fishing.

 I have never really fished around Vancouver but I am assuming it is similar to Puget Sound. I would love to find out where all you guys have been fishing recently. Please leave a comment with the area you love to fish and maybe even a picture or a short story. Thanks for reading and please become a member of my blog on the right hand side of the screen where it says "join this site".

This is one of the hot springs near Kitimat, BC you can find more information about this area by visiting picture is of the Bishop Bay hot springs.

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