Friday, January 18, 2013


Hello All

My first post will be one to tell everyone a little bit about what i plan to write about and a little bit about myself. I love to fish. Freshwater, saltwater, rivers, lakes it doesn't matter to me i will fish anywhere. I am very excited and hopeful that my website and blog will take off. I want to create an area where i can share things with other fisherman and hopefully they will give me feedback on if they find this information useful or not. I also intend to create a forum type website where people can share their thoughts, pictures and videos of their experiences here in the Northwest. If you do comment on the blog or post to the forum make sure you leave your location at the bottom so I can see where you’re from and try and write interesting things specific to your area. If you would like to submit a story or an idea for a post please email me at

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